Saturday, May 2, 2009

Screwed Up English Paper

Dear blog,

Well, sadly, I have screwed up my English paper. It was a really bad experience, I do not want to experience it again. I can almost see what's going to happen in the near future. We're gonna have re-banding too. I am so totally not excited about it!

Anyway, I went over to Dinika's today. Ate some pizzas that her mom made. It was really good! Oh, and Dinika isn't really doing all that well now. Still not yet. I wonder how long it'll take for her to settle down. He life is such a roller coaster! With lots of downfalls, at that.

Recently, she's been with Joel and the two of them get along fine. I'm glad to hear that, I really am. Although, truthfully, I did get jealous, and am still, a tad, it really is better, I feel. I am glad that there is someone who can see his real value in school, at long last. I am glad that there is somebody who I can trust to look after her now too. The two of them are helping each other out, I guess. Doubles my happiness. :)

Met Joe, Quan and Ogaki for less than a minute just now. I've been trying to use my time to the fullest these days. Went back to rush for my tuition. I hope I did not stood up on them, especially not on Joe again. I missed them so.

But till the exams are over, I'll have to get rid of other things and do my best in focusing on my subjects. I hope I can really do that. I really need help right now. I am in such a deep shit! Please pray for me, dear blog.

Signing off,

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