Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Mid Years in 2 weeks

Hey blog!

So my parents came, but they went away 2 days ago to Malaysia. I'll be expecting them back tomorrow night.

School has been pretty merciful so far. I am enjoying it. I hope I did not say anything too fast. Tomorrow is Wednesday, and I realised a pattern in my thoughts. I figured that I have been wishing that my Mondays will pass by fast because it's a long day. Then, I'll look forward to Tuesdays. Next, I'll dread Wednesdays but I like the mornings. Thursdays will be my anti-dote for Wednesday and then Fridays seem like my off-days.

However, this pattern will soon change, I feel. The mid years are just around the corner and my big papers for mother tongue are coming soon too. I hope my parents and sister being here will help, instead of putting more unnecessary pressure on me.

Wish myself all the best! For a better tomorrow. I really hope that I'll do well in my 6 subjects!


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