It's been some time since my last post. I just read Caroline's blog and was brightened up by her post on the 30th. What was it about? Bak Chor Mee :D Haha! Yeah, classic!
Anyway, I've not been on my computer for some time now; let alone coming online, not to mention on MSN. So, the March holiday was not much of a holiday for my physical being. It was quite a rest for my brains, though. I'm glad. However, physically, I am still so tired like nobody's business.
It felt as though I've just skipped through my holidays. I should be strolling past it! Not just hop! I need more rest!! I am not done with the homework given too! I am not able to recall the things that I've learnt fully too. Okay, so maybe school should re-open tomorrow, but we should be given more holidays in between!
So I'm doing still currently doing my homework now. I am really tempted to just close the books, pack my bag and go to sleep. Of course, I tried my best not to. Oh, by the way, I'm done with New Moon about 3 days ago and now I'm about athird into Eclipse. :) Awesome eyh!
So, the highlight of the past few days! It's none other than Angelin's Birthday Party!! Woo hoo!! It was great! ^^ I love the part where the top 3 best-dressed males had to sing! :D HEHE! Oh, I wore the most informal outfit too. Gaah, I thought it would be fine with my white top. Hey, it's pretty different for me to be wearing a dress already! (Although I wore jeans in the end)

Alright, blog, I shall go off now! :) Good nights!!
P.S. I got over the "Cindy" problem already! :) YEY!
Signing off,
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